Mexican meatballs

Mexican meatballs with vegetable garnish recipe

When you want to cook something interesting and spicy, the Mexican meat balls is what you need!

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Recipe type: Meat
Recipe type: Mexican
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:

Mexican meatballs


Ground beef – 200 grams
Purple beans (canned or fresh) – 100 grams
Green onions ( feathers) – 1 bunch
Green beans – 100 grams
Rice – 50-60 grams
Corn (canned or fresh) – 100 grams
Salt to taste
Red pepper (peas) – 1 gram
Black pepper (peas) – 2 grams
White pepper (peas) – 2 grams
Cayenne pepper (flakes) – 2 grams
Cumin – 3 grams
Turmeric – 3 grams
Garlic – 3 cloves
Mustard seeds – 5 grams
Vegetable oil – for frying


Prepare balls of minced meat.
1. Grind seasonings in a mortar. You should get the powder.
2. Mix seasonings and ground beef.
3. Small balls to make stuffing.
4. Meat balls fry in a pan in vegetable oil
Cook the rice.
1. Wash rice in cold water.
2. Pour the rice with cold water and set aside for 20 minutes.
3. Drain the rice. Rinse under the rice 2-3 times in cold water.
4. Cooked rice. What would the rice turned out crumbly you need to boiling water add rice. Bring to a boil water with rice. Pour a glass of cold water. Reduce the heat 2 times. Cook for 15-20 minutes.
5. Drain the water and rinse the rice in colander under running tap.
Cooking vegetables.
1. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
2. Fry the corn beans over high heat for 3-4 minutes.
Put the rice on a plate. Put vegetables on rice. Put the meat balls. Decorate with chopped green onions.
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Bon appetit!

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