How to make Beef Vegetables Stir fry with Rice Stick Noodles ?
Today we prepare Beef Vegetables Stir fry with Rice Stick Noodles in Asian style. We will not cook the noodles, but soak them in water. The meat will be cut across the portages, so that the texture is felt. The sauce will give the dish a slightly sweet taste. Beef Vegetables Stir fry with Rice Stick Noodles is delicious and healthy!
Recipe type: Noodles
Recipe type: Asia
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:
Beef Vegetables Stir Fry with Rice Stick Noodles
Beef (pulp) – 200 grams
Glass rice noodles — 100 grams
Carrots — 1 piece
Sweet Bell pepper — 1 piece
Red onion — 1 piece
Fresh mushrooms — 200 grams
String beans — 100 grams
Celery — 1 stalk
Salt and pepper to taste
Soy sauce — 30 ml
Sugar — 2 teaspoons
Rice vinegar — 10 ml
1. Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into large pieces. Remove the core and white partitions from the sweet pepper.
2. Cut the beef across the fibers and cook over low heat for 1 hour.
3. Soak the noodles in water at room temperature for 30-40 minutes. It should become white and elastic. If you think that the noodles are too hard for you, then you can additionally boil it for 3 minutes.
4. Sauce: mix sugar with hot boiled water to make sugar syrup. Mix soy sauce , rice vinegar, and sugar syrup in a bowl.
5. Cool the beef. And wipe it with a paper towel.
6. Fry the vegetables and beef pieces in a hot frying pan for 2-4 minutes. Stirring regularly.
7. Add the sauce and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Stir constantly.
Serving: place the noodles on a plate and top with the vegetables and meat in the sauce.
Bon Appetit!