Samgak Gimbap

Samgak Gimbap Recipe

Samgak Gimbap is a popular dish of South Korean cuisine. It is a triangle of rice stuffed with tuna wrapped with a sheet of Nori seaweed. For 10 gimbap, you will need about 500 grams of rice, a little brown sugar, garlic, sesame seeds and soy sauce. In specialized stores you can find special packages with Nori for this dish. And if you don’t have such shops nearby, then you can take ordinary sheets of Nori measuring 4×7.8 inches (10×20 cm) and get the same effect. You can make a rice triangle with your own hands or buy a special shape. The dimensions of the mold differ from those indicated by us in this recipe, therefore, you should have the right size of the algae sheets.

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Recipe type: Snacks
Recipe type: Korean
Yield: 8-10
Prep time:
Cook time:

Samgak Gimbap


Rice — 480 grams (60 grams per serving)
Nori algae sheets (4×7.8 inches or 10×20 cm) — 8-10 pieces
Rice vinegar — 1 tablespoon
Sugar — 2 + 2 teaspoons
Garlic — 2 cloves
Salt — ¼ teaspoon
Soy sauce — 2 teaspoons
Sesame oil — 1 teaspoon
Spicy paste “Singsong Kochujang” — 1 teaspoon
Tuna — 120 grams
Fried sesame seeds — 1 teaspoon


1. Wash the rice and boil it.
2. Mix rice vinegar, sugar (2 teaspoons), salt in a cup. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
3. Add the vinegar mixture from the previous step to the rice. Mix it up.
4. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.
5. Divide the tuna into fibers with a fork.
6. Heat the frying oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
7. Add garlic to the pan. Fry for 30 seconds.
8. Add tuna to the pan. Cook for 1 minute.
9. Add sugar (2 teaspoons), soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of fried sesame seeds, sesame oil to the tuna. Cook for 4 minutes.
10. Add hot pepper paste Kochujang to the pan. Remove the pan from the heat.
11. Put 2 tablespoons of rice on a plate.
12. Flatten the rice to make a thin round base.
13. Put 1 tablespoon of tuna mixture in the middle of the rice base.
14. Put another tablespoon of rice on top of the tuna.
15. Roll up the ball carefully so that the tuna filling remains inside.
16. Give the ball the shape of a triangle. The width of the sides is slightly less than 4 inches (10 cm).
17. Wrap a triangle of rice in a Nori leaf. Put a triangle of rice with stuffing on a sheet of Nori. The upper corner is just below the top of the Nori leaf.
18. The lower part of the Nori leaf is pulled up, wrapping a triangle of rice. Fold the edges on the side.
Serving: You can take it with you anywhere and eat on a walk.
Bon Appetit!

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