Melon Prosciutto Salad

What is a Melon Prosciutto Salad?

Prosciutto Melon Salad is an American salad. An incredible combination of sweet melon and sea salt, juicy thinly sliced prosciutto and all this envelops the delicate cream cheese. Sea salt in the salad should be just a little bit to emphasize the casual taste of melon. This salad is just a bomb for your receptors.

Recipe type: Salads
Recipe type: American
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:

Melon Prosciutto Salad


Melon — 200 grams
Sea salt — 2 grams
Prosciutto — 10-12 pieces
Cottage cheese cream cheese — 100 grams


1. With a measuring round spoon, make balls of melon or simply cut into cubes with a knife. As it is more convenient for you, do so!
2. Put the prosciutto and melon balls on a plate in any order.
3. Add cottage cheese cream. We used a pastry bag for convenience.
4. Sprinkle with coarse sea salt.
Serving: Serve as any snack.

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