Fried Egg mushroom sandwich with pork carbonate

How to cook Fried Egg mushroom sandwich with pork carbonate ?

Fried Egg mushroom sandwich with pork carbonate is one of the variations of the classic American sandwich. This hearty and delicious sandwich was supplemented with a fried egg. The spreading yolk of the egg adds tenderness to each bite.

Recipe type: Sandwiches
Recipe type: American
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:

Fried Egg mushroom sandwich with pork carbonate


Toast bread — 2 pieces
Lettuce — 4 leaves
Olive oil for frying
Fresh mushrooms — 2 pieces (large)
Chicken egg — 1 piece
Pork carbonate — 50 grams
Tomato — 1 piece
Soft cheese for hamburgers — 2 pieces
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Cut the pork carbonate and tomato into thin slices.
2. Wash and cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces. Fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown.
3. Brush the toast bread with olive oil on both sides with a silicone brush. Fry on the grill or in a frying pan. The crust should be crisp, and the inside of the bread should remain soft.
4. Put soft hamburger cheese on the bread.
5. Fry the fried egg. The yolk should not spread.
6. On top of the cheese, put the washed and dried lettuce leaves, chopped pork carbonate, tomato, mushrooms and fried egg.
7. Cover with a lettuce leaf and a second piece of bread.
Serving: Serve with French fries and sauces. Cut the sandwich in half diagonally.
Bon Appetit!

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