Baked potatoes with mushrooms and bacon

Baked potatoes recipe

This is a dish of Russian cuisine. Baked potatoes with bacon and mushrooms under gouda cheese are simply delicious. This is a simple dish and every home has potatoes, a couple of mushrooms and a small piece of delicious bacon.

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Recipe type: Casseroles
Recipe type: Russian
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:

Baked potatoes with mushrooms and bacon


Potatoes – 4 piece middle size
Gouda cheese – 50 grams
Smoked Bacon – 100 grams
Fresh mushrooms – 50 grams
Green onion for servings


1. Cut the potatoes so that the bottom remains the base. The potatoes turned out to be a fan.
2. Smoked bacon and mushrooms cut into slices. Mushrooms can fry.
3. Bacon and mushrooms put between the slots in the potatoes.
4. Put the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in an oven for 20 minutes at 453 °F (180 °C)
5. Potatoes pulled out of the oven and sprinkle with grated Gouda cheese.
6. Put the potatoes in the oven for another 10 minutes to melt the cheese.
This is done.
Serve with sour cream or other sauce that you have at home.
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Bon appetit!

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