Creamy Mushroom Soup

Creamy Mushroom Soup recipe

Mushroom soup-puree with cream

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Recipe type: Soup
Recipe type: French
Yield: 2
Prep time:
Cook time:

Creamy Mushroom Soup


Mushrooms – 5 pieces
Olive oil (for frying)
Broth – 300 ml
20% fat cream – 2/3 cup
Processed cheese – 100g


* Need a blender
Let’s start cooking!
Cook the broth on any meat, preferably chicken or beef. Wash the mushrooms and cut into strips. Half fry the mushrooms in olive oil until golden brown, it will give the soup, even more, flavor and aroma. Put the broth on the fire (cooking stove) at a maximum temperature. When the broth comes to a boil add raw mushrooms. Cook for about 10 -15 minutes. Add sauteed mushrooms. Leave some fried mushrooms for decoration. Cook for another 10 minutes. Beat blender until uniform mass. Add the cream and melted cheese. Stir until cheese is dissolved in the soup. Mushroom soup is ready and can be served to the table. Pour the soup into bowls and put a parsley leaf and fried mushrooms, so the soup will look more beautiful!

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