Spicy Tomato-Coconut Milk Chicken

How to make Spicy Tomato-Coconut Milk Chicken?

Spicy Tomato-Coconut Milk Chicken dish in Asian style. This dishes is the perfect solution for a dinner with the whole family. Chilli pepper gives sharpness and coconut milk gives a soft taste. Fried cherry tomatoes and garlic complement the harmony of taste.

Recipe type: Chicken
Recipe type: Asian
Yield: 4
Prep time:
Cook time:

Spicy Tomato-Coconut Milk Chicken


Chicken drumstick — 4 pieces
Cherry tomatoes — 6 pieces
Lime — ½ pieces
Garlic — 3 cloves
Frying oil
Coconut milk (cream) — 200 grams
Chilli pepper — 4-5 slices
Thyme — pinch


1. Cut each shin into 2 parts.
2. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.
3. Wash the cherry tomatoes and fry in a frying pan over medium heat for 10 minutes. Set aside.
4. Fry the shins on maximum heat until golden brown. Add the thyme while frying.
5. Add the fried cherry tomatoes, chilli pepper, coconut milk (or cream), squeeze the juice of half a lime.
6. Cook for 10 minutes.
Serving: Serve the dish hot with lime slices.
Bon Appetit!

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