Mexican Lentil Soup

How to make Mexican Lentil Soup?

Mexican Lentil Soup is a spicy soup in the Mexican manner. A hearty and nutritious soup made of vegetables, lentils and with notes of coriander leaves and sour lime juice. The soup has the character of Mexico: thick, burning, and only avocado and cheese can soften the fire in this soup. It’s insanely delicious and you should try it!

Recipe type: Soups
Recipe type: Mexican
Yield: 6-8
Prep time:
Cook time:

Mexican Lentil Soup


White onion — 1 onion
Garlic — 5 cloves
Jalapeno pepper — 1 piece
Yellow sweet Bulgarian pepper — 1 piece
Carrots — 2 pieces
Cherry tomatoes — 200 grams
Coriander seeds (ground) — 1 teaspoon
Ground cumin — 1 teaspoon
Beef broth-750 ml
Red lentils — 250 grams
Olive oil — 2 tablespoons
Coriander leaves-a bunch
Lime juice — 1-2 tablespoons
Salt and black pepper to taste
Avocado — 1 piece
Parmesan cheese — 30 grams


1. Wash the onion and garlic, peel and finely chop.
2. Wash the carrots and clean them. Cut into small cubes.
3. Sweet pepper is washed and cleaned from seeds and white partitions. We cut it like carrots.
4. Cut the Jalapeno pepper finely.
5. Tomatoes are washed and fried in a frying pan for 10-15 minutes. We put it aside.
6. Wash the lentils in cold water at least 10 times.
7. Pour olive oil into a deep saucepan and heat it over medium heat.
8. Add onion, sweet pepper, carrot, Jalapeno pepper, garlic, fried tomatoes (together with juice), salt and pepper to taste, ground coriander, ground cumin, lentils and beef broth to the pan. Mix it up.
9. Bring to a boil and reduce to a minimum.
10. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. Stir the soup every 15 minutes.
11. Coarsely chop the coriander leaves.
12. Add coriander leaves and lime juice to the soup.
Serving: Serve hot. Add the avocado slices and grated Parmesan cheese.
Bon Appetit!

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