Classic French Vichyssoise Soup

Classic French Vichyssoise Soup Recipe

Classic French Vichyssoise Soup this is an incredibly delicious and delicate cream soup. Very light, despite the fact that it contains potatoes, it is hearty and can be eaten even in hot summers or cold harsh winters. French Vichy soup is a simple set of vegetables. You can always find it in your refrigerator and spend only about an hour of time preparing it.

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Recipe type: Soup
Recipe type: French
Yield: 4
Prep time:
Cook time:

Classic French Vichyssoise Soup


Croutons or White bread for croutons
Large potatoes — 3 pieces
Leek — 1 stalk
Garlic — 1 clove
Cream 20% – 100 grams
Olive oil — for frying croutons
Butter — 50 grams
Chicken broth — 150 grams
Nutmeg (ground) — 5 grams
Paprika — 5 grams
Salt and pepper — to taste


1. Finely chop the garlic.
2. Cut the leeks into thin rings.
3. Cut the potatoes into 1 cm cubes.
4. Cut the white bread into 1 cm cubes and fry in a small amount of olive oil. Croutons should be crispy!
5. In a deep saucepan, melt the butter.
6. Reduce the heat by half.
7. Add the leeks and garlic to the pan. Move carefully. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring regularly.
8. Add the potatoes and chicken stock. Cook for 10 minutes.
9. Add ground nutmeg, cream and ground paprika. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 30 minutes.
10. Remove the soup from the heat. Beat with a blender until smooth.
11. Pass the soup through a fine sieve. So the soup will become even more tender and softer in taste.
Serving: Serve the Classic French Vichyssoise Soup hot on a plate. Add a little olive oil, about 5 grams. Add finely chopped green onions and croutons.
Bon Appetit!

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