Sesame Orange Noodle Bowl

Noodle Bowl Recipe

Sesame Orange Noodle Bowl is a dish in Asian style. This is buckwheat soba noodles with a savoury dressing of miso paste, rice vinegar, orange juice. The filling is shiitaki mushrooms, enoki and shimeji, light tofu. From vegetables we took the cartilaginous stalks of young peas, string beans, cabbage.

How to cook Noodle Bowl?

Boil the noodles. Shred the cabbage. We make a dressing for noodles and cabbage. We marinate the cabbage with our dressing while we prepare the rest of the ingredients. Fry the mushrooms. Fry the vegetables stir-fry. Collecting our cup of noodles! Enjoying a delicious lunch.

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Recipe type: Noodle
Recipe type: American
Yield: 2-3
Prep time:
Cook time:

Sesame Orange Noodle Bowl


Shiitake mushrooms — 80 grams
String beans — 100 grams
Stems of young peas — 35 grams
Sesame oil — ½ tablespoon
Tamarind paste — 1 tablespoon
Rice vinegar — 2 tablespoons
Miso paste — 2 tablespoons
Orange — 1 piece
Red cabbage — 120 grams
Buckwheat noodles soba — 150 grams
Green onion — 2 stalks
Enoki — 30 grams
Shimeji — 30 grams
Cilantro leaves — 1 tablespoon
Tofu — 50 grams
White and black sesame seeds for decoration
Micro-greenery for decoration


1. Peel an orange. Set aside half of the slices. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining half.
2. Dressing: mix heated sesame oil, tamarind paste, rice vinegar, miso paste, juice of half an orange.
3. Finely chop the cabbage and lay it out in 2-3 deep cups from the edge.
4. Pour the dressing over the cabbage. About 4-6 teaspoons.
5. Finely cut green onions into slices diagonally.
6. Cook soba noodles according to the instructions.
7. While the noodles are cooking, fry the string beans, young pea stalks over medium heat for 3-5 minutes.
8. Fry shiitake mushrooms on medium heat for about 6-7 minutes.
9. Fry enoki and shimeji mushrooms for about 7 minutes.
10. Ready-made soba noodles are washed under a stream of cold water. We put it in a cup next to the cabbage.
11. Spread shiitake mushrooms, enoki, shimeji, beans and pea pods, diced tofu on top of cabbage and noodles.
12. Add orange slices, coriander leaves and micro-greens.
13. Pour the remaining dressing.
Serving: Serve noodles immediately.
Bon Appetit!

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