Spicy Beef Enchilada

Spicy Beef Enchilada recipe

Today we are preparing a traditional Mexican dish Enchilada! Satisfying, delicious, incredibly memorable taste from the first time. Enchilada makes you fall in love with yourself and feel the flavor of Mexican cuisine. Enchilada now appear on our table more often Let Mexico into your home-make Enchilada today!

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Recipe type: Main dishes
Recipe type: Mexican
Yield: 5
Prep time:
Cook time:

Spicy Beef Enchilada


Red onion — 1 piece
Garlic — 4 cloves
Jalapeno — to taste
Ground beef — 300 grams
Salt and pepper to taste
Sour cream or yogurt— 100 grams
Bulgarian sweet pepper — 1 piece
Coriander to taste
Soft cheese — 200 grams
Celery — 1 branch
Corn — 150 grams
Vegetable oil for frying
Tomato paste — 50 grams
Tartilla — 5 pieces


1. Finely chop the onion and garlic.
2. Cut the sweet bell pepper and celery into medium pieces.
3. Heat the vegetable oil over high heat.
4. Add the ground beef to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes.
5. Add onion, garlic, sweet pepper, celery and corn. Cook for 15 minutes.
6. Add the tomato paste to the pan. Mix thoroughly and cook for another 5 minutes.
7. On tartily to lay out the minced meat with the vegetables and add jalapeno and cilantro to taste.
8. Roll the tartilla into a tube with closed edges, so that the contents do not fall out.
9. Place in a baking dish and cover completely with grated cheese.
10. We send it to the oven. Cook until the cheese melts and a slightly brown crust appears.
Serving: Place the Enchilada on a plate. Top with finely chopped red onion and coriander leaves. Serve with sour cream or yogurt, this will soften the sharp taste of jalapenos.
Bon Appetit!

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