Chicharron De Cerdo

How to cook Chicharron De Cerdo?

Chicharron De Cerdo is the national dish of the Dominican Republic. This is a boiled pork loin and then fried until it crunches. This dish is also called Dominican Pork Cracking. Chicharron can be eaten as an independent dish or used in other recipes.

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– Mafongo

Recipe type: Main dishes
Recipe type: Dominican
Yield: 4
Prep time:
Cook time:

Chicharron De Cerdo


Pork loin — 500 grams
Oregano — 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper — 1 teaspoon
Lime juice — 30 ml
Salt — 1 ½ teaspoons
Water — 1 ½ liters


1. Put pork loin, pepper, oregano, lime juice, salt and water in a deep saucepan.
2. Set the heat to medium and cook for 1 hour.
3. Remove the pork loin from the pan and allow to cool slightly.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan at maximum temperature.
5. Fry the loin on all sides until crisp.
Serving: Serve with lime slices. Before eating, pour lime juice.
Bon Appetit!

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