Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod

Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod recipe

Today we return to the northern cuisine! Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod is a type of Danish open sandwiches. This time we took the black bread, tomatoes, avocado and quail eggs. Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod looks very bright and it is the place on the holiday table! To prepare this snack is fast and easy. Let’s get the Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod ready

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Recipe type: Snacks
Recipe type: Danish
Yield: 4
Prep time:
Cook time:

Guacamole Egg Danish Smorrebrod


Black bread — 4 pieces
Cherry tomatoes — 10 pieces
Avocado — 2 pieces
Quail eggs — 4 pieces
Salt and pepper — to taste
Olive oil for frying


1. Make a light guacamole: Mix cherry tomatoes (6 pieces) and peeled avocados in a blender until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.
2. Black bread is cut into slices. Grease both sides with olive oil and fry until crisp.
3. Boil the eggs, peel them, and cut them in half.
4. Wash the cherry tomatoes (4 pieces) and cut them in half.
5. On the slices of bread spread guacamole, half the tomatoes and half the eggs.
Serving: Garnish with parsley leaves and radish sprouts.
Bon Appetit!

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